School Readiness Program
The program has three components.
The online training package.
Run-on zoom these sessions contains 45 mins of information and 15 mins of implementation planning and questions. All sessions are recorded so they can be watched later for those unable to attend live or just to see twice! Your whole team has access because we know success happens when everyone hears and sees the same information.
Implementation Support
We visit your workplace and co-teach with you to support the implementation of concepts and knowledge into your teaching program. We recommend visits of two hours spaced to facilitate opportunities for run sessions in-between visits. We design a program and quote based on your requirements.
Parent Training
Parents are the third component of the capacity building team. We can present information sessions in person or via Zoom to build knowledge and capacity. Sessions are presented for 60 minutes which includes time for questions
Online Training Package
The program consists of 10 sessions on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. All sessions are conducted on zoom and are recorded. You will have access to the recording for the whole year.
$1500 +GST
This price is per site with all team members having access to the sessions.
Assessment of Speech and OT Skills
February 2022
Let’s talk Co and Self Regulation
March 2022
Anxiety and Mental Health in Kinder
April 2022
Autism and ADHD
May 2022
Language – Talking all day long
June 2022
Gross Motor
July 2022
Fine Motor
August 2022
Developing Resiliency
September 2022
Literacy Ready
October 2022
School Readiness
November 2022
If you would like to join our School Readiness Program give us a call on (03) 5975 1500.
Implementation Support
Embed your knowledge into practice with Speech Pathologist and Occupational Therapist visiting your workplace to support implementation and program development. Session topics can follow the professional learning series and/or focus on your learning needs.
Depending on your workplace, these sessions can be scheduled fortnightly or monthly
Choose from topics or tell us what you want:
Speech and Language /OT
Planning for individuals
Alert Program
Visuals in the classroom
Making and keeping friends
Blanks questions
Getting your hands ready for drawing and writing
Getting the most out of your resources
If you would like to join our School Readiness Program give us a call on (03) 5975 1500.
Parent Training
Parents are the third member of the capacity building team. We present information sessions in person or via zoom to build knowledge and capacity.
$300 +GST
Session are presented for 60 mins which includes question time.
Choose from topics or tell us what you want:
What is speech
How to promote speech and language at home
Anxiety and support strategies
School Readiness
What is OT
Social and Emotional development
Building Executive function skills
If you would like to join our School Readiness Program give us a call on (03) 5975 1500.